World of Goo Current World Records

World of Goo 2 World Records

Player Leaderboards

This page only contains current world records of World of Goo Levels. The strategies of some records are based on previous records, if you want to discover the evolution of records of a level, you can visit the following 'History Records' page: All History Records
If you break a world record, please upload a video (video proof is necessary for a world record since 2014) and contact us in goofans discord , we will add your record to the site.
  • Youtube wogfan channel
  • previous wogfan site
  • Goofans site
  • Rules for World Records (since June 2024):
  • 1. You must record a video for a world record. If you didn't, then don't tell anyone that you broke the record before you redo it and successfully got a video.
  • 2. Any assisting tools (such as autoclicker) is not allowed in a world record.
  • Website Managers (contact if necessary):
  • installb
  • Liyuan
  • dengshouhao

  • Version 1.3:

    Level Name Max Balls Least Moves Least Time (Goal) Least Time (OCD)
    Chapter 1: The Goo Filled Hills
    Going Up 11 - N/A 3 - N/A - ptr231
    - naveed_rizvi
    [Video] (Description)
    Announced on 16th July with a screenshot. Video made on 22nd.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Small Divide 23 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    5 - LTumbleWeed
    [Video] (Description)
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    The second move I do (adding a strand) is a necessity so that the structure is strong enough later on to withstand the shaking long enough until those (3:26) two goos get stuck to the ground. When adding the final goo on top, I found that placing it to the left gives the best chance of it working.
    Getting it to break up properly is just pure luck; I'd say you've got about a 1 in 30 chance of success. Fortunately, it didn't take me that many.
    Also, you cant afford to let any goos enter the pipe prior to the break as you need them all to do it.

    Here's a vid of the break in slow motion if you're interested:
    - comments from player

    I believe this breaks the record for least moves and most goo collected. Its not too hard once you get the line in the air.
    - comments from player

    From email:

    Set on 17 Jul 11:54 UTC+8:00

    I really didn't think it would be realized. This is a true extreme record, and quite possibly the most extreme of all time records. But looking back there is still room for improvement in speed. I think the key to success is to move the ball (especially the last ball) must be fast and accurate.
    - comments from player

    From email:

    Set on 12 July 19:17 UTC+8:00
    To gain the record, it only takes a little more effort than collecting 10 balls in 5s in the level. In fact, it is a lot easier than Goal 4s.

    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Hang Low 30 - LTumbleWeed
    [Video] (Description)
    3 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - GMD DemonGamer
    [Video] (Description)
    Announced on 7th April with a screenshot. Video made on 9th.

    The seeds of this record were planted 2 years prior - here's a comment by Tumble on 2D Boy forum dated 24 Nov 2009:
    "I was playing hang low and I think I found another instance of the shaking bug without the single strands. I'll provide an image soon. Again I don't know how it can be used but as long as we are learning more."
    He never did show an image, and put the find on the back burner until revisiting it in 2011 after a year hiatus. Here's the reveal on goofans 'New Records' thread:
    "Well since PeterB took my Tower of goo records away I had to come back with something and here it is. Hang Low 30 goos collected.
    Sorry its not in screen but I wasn't recording and Vista doesn't let me print screen. I can describe the start or even show you a video of the start. I have already shown it Pavke although the way I did it this time was a little different.
    In fact here is the video, you can rip them all off it's just random. I got lucky and they all come off."
    Albino Pokey replies: Vista should print screen... Or do you have a keyboard without the key itself?
    "Nope I hit print screen and instead of the image like I got in XP I just get a black screen.. So I had to load fraps afterwards. I'll probably end up recording it at some point for Wogfan."
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    自制 手速不快,但是运球快,连贯性极高,我想这应该是正在卡在7-8S的点上完成的,还不是容易被破。
    - comments from player

    This record was the main reason I switched to a non-widescreen resolution. If you are using widescreen the camera is more zoomed in, which makes thwacking significantly harder.
    Anyway wow 2 world records in one day :o
    - comments from player

    Impale Sticky 54 - installb
    [Video] (Description)
    4 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    From Baidu Tieba:

    讲一下我打这个东西的经历。。这个想法大概是两个月前想到的,一开始的时候我尝试救活 LTW 的 53 球视频里那个被开花的球,最后成功了(球往下直接撞到 detaching bottom line),也成功地在救下这个球地情况下断出了三角支架,但是那个三角支架总时以极快的速度往下飞,完全不可能弹起来,最后就放弃了。

    后来我看了 pb 的 4 步视频,发现只要把原先四球支架里的一个球开下来就能 54 了,然后就开始试。这个开花成功率非常的低。在实际打的时候,在第 x-1 个球掉到地上的时候,可能就会直接触发开花,也可能不会,这里我也不知道有什么办法提高成功率,快速搭上去第 x 个球好像可以,感觉玄学(用时间虫有概率复原的时候那个球已经在地上了,大多数时候球在掉下来的过程中,这个感觉也是玄学,可能是个没被发掘出来的特性)。这一次开花三次就成功了,运气是真的好。

    这里为了防止提前触发开花 bug,要砸上面那个支架的靠右的部分,弄断上面的支架,同时不让球死,否则第 x-1 个球的时候一定会触发。

    From email:

    The flower bug/shaking bug requires luck. I have to kick the upper strand and attach the last ball qickly, otherwise the flower bug will be activated before there are enough balls. The ball reached the detaching bottom line and went up with a extremely high speed and went through the wall. Kicking the vertical strand above the ball may increase the probability of success(I didnt do this in that video. I was really nervous after making some mistakes and clicking three timebugs in a row and I completely dont know what I was thinking about, but I was lucky enough in that run. Luckily the level's timebugprobability is very high)

    At first I tried to save the ball in the 53 balls video to get 54. Actually I succeeded and made a triangle at the same time. But the triangle always go down at a very high speed and I think its not humanly possible. Then I tried this method.(this is inspired by ptr231's 4 moves video)

    I also found that in levels like drool and misty's long bony road, flower bug/shaking bug works because of both the sticky ground and some deadly geometry below the ground. When a ball is stuck in the sticky geometry at frame x, it will go to the surface of the sticky geometry at frame (x+2) and get stuck there permanently. But it keeps moving as usual at frame (x+1). What's more, it wont be killed or detached at frame (x+1)(this seems to be specially judged). And the ball get pushed into the deadly geometry at frame (x+1). The strands were killed by the deadly geometry, and the ball was freed. This kind of flower bug only works in levels with "strandgeom=true", where deadly geometrys kill strands.(maybe using the word 'frame' is not accrate. I mean physics engine calculates one time). I think this is reasonable becuase balls cant be stuck inside a sticky geometry, but I dont know why it waits a frame. Maybe someone have discovered this several years ago but I dont know... I found this by watching videos frame by frame.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Flying Machine 10 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    - lkjhgfdsa431
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.

    Here's an easier way to get all 10 -
    - comments from player

    Set on 12th March 19:05 UTC+10:00 without video, performed on video on 13th March 18:32 UTC+10:00

    Yeah, once again, originally record was set without a video. This time I was in the VC with my friend on discord and was casually grinding it, without thinking I'll get it, and I got it on accident. That was the funniest accident ever and the best fluke I've ever had in this game. After setting the record after ~20-30 minutes of playtime this day, it took me ~4 hours of playtime in total to do it again. Didn't say about it before just because I didnt want to be laughed on due to not recording myself getting an "impossible" record. But noy y'all know the truth.
    Anyways, that was the 1st extreme record of mine that will stay on leaderboards forever. An insane and extremely rare achievement.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Fisty's Bog 26 - goomatz
    [Video] (Description)
    5 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    This strategy takes advantage of a bug in the game. If you click a Balloon Ball very fast it will pull towards the point where it got speedclicked.

    If you're trying to collect 26 balls, don't give up hope. It tooked me at least 20 trys to record this video. Mostly because I was running out of timebugs or failed at the very ending and collected 25 balls.

    In the video I made a little mistake at the end by sticking the middle one of the three balls chain at the platform. Luckily there are enough Balloons.
    - comments from player

    Announced on 28th Sep with a screenshot. Video made on 5th Oct.
    His original recording went wrong:
    "Anyway I tested a strategy in "Fisty's Bog". Look what I ended up with:

    The video needs some serious shortening this will take a while and I will not be at home the next week.

    edit: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Fraps didn't work properly somehow and I only got the first 15 minutes in which not much happen.
    I will try to get it on video when I'm back home in one week."

    "Well, actually I think it was my fault. My computer started lagging after 15 min. I stopped the recording and probably forgot to start it again when it stopped lagging. Sorry about that but I promise to record it as fast as possible."

    (Quotes from 'New Records' thread on goofans)
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    Make the second ball attached a large one so it reaches the deadly ground more easily; also it helps to use a small one for the fourth for the opposite reason.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Set on 21 June, 13:33 UTC+10:00
    One of the hardest records in WoG history.
    This record is an extreme combination of luck and skill, if you have bad luck (goos are not close enough to pipe, to few common goos, timebugs too close to goos e.t.c.) - you lost. Building speed must be almost perfect. It took me 6k+ restarts and 9 months to get the run.
    Harder than TSF 4s? Maybe.
    9s possible? I'm not sure.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Tower of Goo 105 - ptr231
    8 - dengshouhao
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:

    记得三年前做过一个论17S可能性: 如今实现的这个纪录基本能算作是目前本人能力的最高水准了。
    - comments from player

    Set on 20th Jul 2022, 10:18 UTC+10:00

    I did something that was unthinkable in my childhood. I just can't believe I did it. It took me 2 days in total, ~3.5 hours of videos with just attempts to beat the WR. 23s may be possible, but it is questionable; ending and building speed matter. Possibility of just beating the level without OCD in 16 seconds is also questionable, may be possible with enough luck in the end, but I am not aiming to beat this one, not enough speed and consistency for it.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Ivy Towers 16 - N/A 0 - DEFE
    - ptr231
    - dahkjdas

    Record Image
    Tumbler 37 - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - ptr231
    - GMD DemonGamer
    [Video] (Description)
    - naveed_rizvi
    From email:

    Set on 17 Aug 15:00 UTC+10:00

    When I did it, I literally didn't want to believe. This journey is tough not in the physical, but in the mental way. I had so many fails in the end, mostly because of nerves and another problem that will be mentioned in the story of this legendary record.

    I started grinding for this record in November 2021, before my 14th birthday. At first I planned to use only a shaking bug to do this since I thought it was possible, but actually it is, I just didn't know about a certain strategy. I released a video with my best attempt of the record back then:
    Here the main part of the record story begins. Summer vacation began, but I recalled this record and started grinding once again. This time, I finally had a working strat for this level: use shaking bug to pull the albino goo out of the wheel, speedclick an ivy gooball, detach an albino goo from this structure using the speedclicked gooball, throw that goo in the wheel, collect all the gooballs. But I had another problem: throwing gooballs back in the wheel is way too risky. What I have to do in this case to prevent albino goo from dying?
    In solving this problem, Liyuan helped me a lot with this screenshot:

    And... I started grinding once again, after a break. This time, I had another issue: mouse wheel. When I raged from failing seemingly perfect attempt of a record on Tower of Goo, I accidentally broke the mouse wheel, meaning collecting the speedclicked gooball would be tough. I knew about an alternative method of moving a speedclicked gooball, but I didn't want to pull it off just because I am recording with Bandicam, not with Fraps, so the recording just stops when switching WoG from fullscreen to windowed mode. That's why I failed another dozen of good attempts.
    And, after some time, I decided to use 2 mice just to pull off the record: one for most of the run and another just to get that speedclicked ball into the pipe, I guess you won't mind that fact. At first, I couldn't get lucky enough attempt in the beginning, until I finally got this run: .
    Run breakdown:
    In the beginning of the run, I am setting up the structure for the shaking bug and waiting for the ball to get outside of the wheel, which took slightly less than a half of the time in the run. It finally gets outside at 10:54. Then, I am making 2 separate strands: 1st with the ball I am going to speedclick and 2nd with the rest of ivy balls. Surprisingly, gooball got speedclicked very fast, I didn't expect that. Speedlicking part (almost) ends at 15:32, after that part I am speedclicking the gooball more to break the strands since the current ball force wasn`t enough to break them. Real strand breaking part begins at 19:09. At 22:31 2 strands and Liyuan`s strat suggestion come in handy. After that, I just thwack the albino triangle with the albino ball and collect all the goos on the level.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    I just switched to playing on a diffrent resolution and now my thwacking is on crack
    - comments from player

    Chain 39 - Tao
    0 - Kopa
    - GMD DemonGamer
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)

    Record Image

    Record Image

    Record Image
    Ode to the Bridge Builder 61 - ptr231
    7 - dengshouhao
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - Liyuan

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Regurgitation Pumping Station N/A 1 - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    - GMD DemonGamer
    [Video] (Description)
    Set on 24th February, 2023, 17:05 UTC+10

    Well, this WR required some thinking outside of the box.
    I had thoughts of detaching one of the evil eyes by the starting structure and tried to do so, but no success. This time, I did this pretty quickly.
    0m is impossible.
    - comments from player

    Sent on August 30, 2023

    Holy damn. I didn't expect this to come so fast today. I tied the record last winter but eventually quit because of demotivation and inconsistency. For some reason today I decided to throw some attempts at it, and to my surprise it didn't even take me 10 minutes!

    The record itself barely reaches the 12 second mark, almost off by a couple of milliseconds.
    I'm so happy to finally have this off my chest!
    - comments from player

    Chapter 2: Little Miss World of Goo
    Drool 38 - dwerdwer
    [Video] (Description)
    2 - ptr231
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    dwerdwer uploaded this vid to Baidu Tieba on 26 July 2009. It has since been deleted off there and would've been lost for good if it wasn't for me recording a copy of it back in July 2013.

    He starts the vid partway through the record, skipping the first two shaking bugs.
    The picture quality was the same as what you see in my capture, and it also didn't have any sound.

    Here's the URL of the now non-existent page -

    Here's a screenshot I took of the page when it still worked:'s%20Drool38b%20Tieba%20vid.png
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    自制 手残UP高产啦~
    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Fly Away Little Ones 16 - goomatz
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Kopa
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - GMD DemonGamer
    [Video] (Description)
    This strategy takes advantage of the speed clicking bug.
    Visit for more information.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    I find my 1 move run more epic. :(
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    8 is possible but I prefer not to loose my sanity
    - comments from player

    Blustery Day 36 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    5 - ptr231
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    From email:

    It's an honor for me to get the first record of the New Year. I found a new way through the wall in early December, but I haven't broken the record until today because it's still very difficult. The last part of the level requires lots of luck. I spent over 8 hours on it. Luckily, I made it in the end.
    - comments from player

    Welcoming Unit 92 - Troute
    0 - DEFE
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)

    Record Image

    Record Image

    Record Image
    Beauty School 18 - N/A 0 - Cycl4mate
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)

    Record Image
    From email:

    New WR. Set on 27th Jul 2022,20:18 UTC+8:00

    I thought 11s was the fastest before. However, later I tried this level again and achieved 11s several times, which made me reconsider the possibility of going faster. I spent a lot of time trying to get to 10s, and after I had achieved 11s many times (about 50), I finally got to 10s. This huge difficulty gap makes me sure that 10s is a limit and 9s is impossible.

    The attempt in this video has a small method improvement, see my bilibilli channel for details.

    From bilibili:





    - comments from player

    Leap Hole 8 - N/A 2 - Kopa
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    Sorry I didn't record the sound
    - comments from player

    Whistler 38 - Pavke
    0 - Kopa
    - ptr231

    Record Image
    Volcanic Percolator Day Spa 18 - N/A 0 - Tair
    - ptr231
    Beauty and the Electric Tentacle 56 - goomatz
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Marius
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    This strategy takes advantage of a bug in the game. If you keep clicking a balloon ball very fast it will pull towards the point where you clicked it.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Set on 19th February 2023, 12:38 UTC+10
    Accurate time: 15.7s
    An hour before the WR, I collected 28 gooballs in 15s because I pressed continue button too early on accident. But after that pure 15s didn't take too long.
    14s is possible, but very extreme, like TSF 4s.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    The Red Carpet 18 - N/A 0 - Marius
    - GMD DemonGamer
    Genetic Sorting Machine 24 - Gil
    0 - LTumbleWeed
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231

    1 - A new WOG record :)

    2 - Hitting the beauty goos through the Ivy chain can be frustrating. Use the wall as a throwing guide and don't throw too hard or you will just go through the goo your trying to push through the chain.
    - comments from player

    Chapter 3: Cog in the Machine
    Burning Man 48 - installb
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Marius
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    From Bilibili:


    视频中使用了爆点 bug。

    From email:

    I got this today(16 July 2021), at about 14:50 (UTC +8).

    It's possible to get more balls with this method, but maybe 50-53 is the max with this strat. I hope one day people can get 60+ on this level.
    - comments from player

    To perform this trick all you need to do is pick up the balloon and drag it down really fast in front of the Fuse block until it gets forced from your grip. It will then glitch out and dart up and down until it (hopefully) gets lodged inside the blockhead causing it to shoot up at great speed and crash down hard buckling the structure.
    The glitch occurs in balls with a dampening factor, i.e, balloons and Fish.
    Most of the time the balloon will simply fly up and disappear/die, so it may take quite a few goes until you get the desired block bump.
    Getting the blockhead to flip on its side is simply a matter of luck. I'm not sure yet if it's vital to getting 3 sec.
    - comments from player

    Second Hand Smoke 40 - Liyuan
    0 - Kopa
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    Not very difficult.
    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:

    自制 刚才随手破的一个世界纪录,真的是随手,自己都没有想到会破。
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Misty's Long Bony Road 65 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    3 - Neon
    [Video] (Description)
    - GMD DemonGamer
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.

    There's a trick used that lets you move a speed-clicked detachable ball (here a Bone) further than it would normally.
    There's two ways it can be done:
    The first and simplest way is to use the mouse wheel - just pick up the ball and spin away. The only problem though is that you can only move it vertically.
    The second way - the one I used here - is useful if you don't have a wheel (or want to move horizontally). Go into windowed mode (Alt+Enter), then get hold of the balloon and quickly move the mouse out of the game window, then quickly move the mouse back in and out of the window on the side you want it to go and the balloon will start moving as far as you want. Here's a vid showing it -
    You can tell I'm using this way because of the slight pauses you can see as I switch between windowed and fullscreen.
    - comments from player

    ptr's strat, i finally did it
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    The Third Wheel 26 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - dengshouhao
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.
    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:


    带着0步成绩截图和前半截视频(没有包含关键性操作部分),我给世界第一玩家兼世界纪录管理者Peter B发邮件,请求将其承认为正式纪录,被拒绝,因为正式世界纪录需要完整视频,他鼓励我重打重录

    From email:

    My summer vacation began last Monday and I immediately started to record this video. After 8 days endless retrying, I finally got this video, in which the structure was kicked over the third wheel in its complete form. This is the success after 6 years. In fact, I almost succeeded (literally 99%) in 2015 but accidentally built a Bone to the common structure in the end, which drove me crazy and decided to delay trying. Anyway, I will never kick the structure in this level again.
    - comments from player

    This was the biggest journey towards a record the games ever seen, having spent 6 year (on & off) attempting to perfect the level. As told in the comments, he almost succeeded back in 2015 having kicked the structure over the third wheel only to accidentally attach a bone to the common block at the pipe. This wasnt the worst incident though. On 5 March 2021 he actually achieved 0 moves but found that the recording had failed halfway through the attempt due to the hard drive being full. Not having a complete video meant the run was invalid.

    Here's the email where he describes the event:
    - The Sign Painter
    Water Lock 46 - goomatz
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Kopa
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    [Video] (Description)
    This strategy takes advantage of a bug in the game. If you keep clicking a Pokey ball very fast it will pull towards the point where you clicked it.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    The record was made between 3 and 12 Jan 2009.
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    Set on 17:47 UTC+10:00

    I think I got a curse. When I set Weather Vane WR, I did it without a video 2 times, when I set Fly Away Little Ones OCD WR (0:09) turned out I didnt have a video on it. And here, when I switched to Bandicam because when I was recording using OBS the game was lagging, it recorded the music I was listening to on my headphones (the WoG audio is usually played on my speakers). So, I muted the audio.
    The record itself is not hard at all, like BatET OCD 15s, but it still took me like 2 days to beat and ~3-4 hours of playtime in total. Most likely the record will get improved in the future.
    - comments from player

    Super Fuse Challenge Time 32 - N/A 2 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    - dahkjdas
    The music sounds strange because I had the game running on another account as well so it halved the waiting time between goes, switching from one to the other.
    - comments from player

    Upper Shaft 64 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Pavke
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.

    There's a trick used that lets you move a speed-clicked detachable ball (here an Ivy) further than it would normally.
    There's two ways it can be done:
    The first and simplest way - the one I used here - is to use the mouse wheel - just pick up the ball and spin away. The only problem though is that you can only move it vertically.
    The second way is useful if you don't have a wheel (or want to move horizontally). Go into windowed mode (Alt+Enter), then get hold of the Ivy and quickly move the mouse out of the game window, now quickly move the mouse back in and out of the window on the side you want it to go and the Ivy will start moving as far as you want. Here's a vid demonstrating it.


    The main new trick that made me do this record was the blowing up of the walls while retaining the UtilNoAttachUnwalkables. This was made possible by a known glitch - referred to as the Timebug Fuse glitch - where popping a Timebug while Fuses are burning will stop the fire from spreading. For it to work, you'll need to create a specific point for the Timebug to revert back to - so attach a ball (anywhere) when the burning has reached where you want it to stop, then pop the bug. For this level you dont want the burning to spread at all, so you do this as soon as possible.

    It seems so obvious now, but no one must of thought of using the glitch in this level before; in fact, this is the first time its been used for a record.

    Each element of this record isn't really all that difficult in theory, they're just a bit tricky and time-consuming (hence the 2 hours it took me), especially the breaking up of the Commons and Fuses - that alone took 50 minutes!

    Ivys are the most important ball, so make sure not to collect ANY until the very end.

    When you see me continuously attaching and detaching an Ivy, its so that if I use up all the Timebugs it doesn't revert back to a previous state and lose where I was up to. You'll see this being done in other max goo records as well, except using a Balloon or Bone.

    Leave a comment/message if you have a question that isn't already answered below, or find a better way of doing something (i.e. the wall blast section), then I could add it to this description.


    00:57 - It takes between 3 and 4 minutes for the bomb to start rotating. There might be a faster way to get it going, but I never tested any. I just copied what DaB did in the old record.

    01:27 - The strand should always snap at that spot if you copy me exactly. The other two possibilities are: 1) it snaps slightly earlier on the very bottom corner of the cage, or 2) it doesn't snap at all and carries on being pulled around the cage until it eventually does.

    01:40 - You want the rotating to stop so the fuse ball attached to the bomb ends up in the top right corner. To do this, just attach an Ivy TWICE when it gets there and pop a Timebug.

    01:45 - It's important to attach an Ivy here to stop it slowly rotating any further (which it will if just left).

    03:27 - When building the chain, make sure to alternate between Ivys and Fuses so you're able to dismantle it. It also means you'll have some needed Ivys left over.

    03:49 - I attach another Ivy at the top so it doesn't snap as easily when bouncing the cage. Also, it pulls the cage up a bit higher so it springs back up further for exploding the walls.

    04:13 - This is one of the more trickier parts, just for the fact of how random it can be.
    I'll go through each bit:-
    About that fuse ball: you wanted it on the right side so you're able to use the left side to hit the cage. If you do it the other way round you run the risk of accidently killing the ball on those spinning gears. And you wanted it in the corner so that the length of the strand between the bomb and the fuse is as long as possible - you want this because the longer the strand the more time it'll take for the burning to reach the fuse.

    The distance you have to knock the cage down will stretch the chain to its limits (especially when going for 64 where you have to use the short snapped off fuse line as part of the chain), so it can easily snap if you hit it slightly too far.
    Once the bombs alight and ascending again, give the chain a helping kick upwards to speed it up.
    For the final part you need to attach a ball just before the cage reaches its maximum height, then straight away, click a Timebug.
    What should happen is the bomb will explode and break the walls, and the spread of the burning will stop so the UtilNoAttachUnwalkables are still attached and hanging there.
    Now, most of the attempts are going to end in failure - so the balls will still be burning or the walls didn't break - but if you do everything 'right' then it should work sooner or later. Like I said before, it seems very random.
    About timebugs: you'll need to create some more once you've had two failed attempts, so here's some tips. Obviously, the spare 7 balls will give you some more, but once they run out, the first thing you can do is swap the 'used' Ivys with the ones that make up the chain. Then, if you still need more you'll have to start using the Commons. The easiest way is to simply connect up to them through the wall with an Ivy, but you have to make sure not to let any GooProduct through. Once Commons are 'used', you should really throw them back through the wall to lessen the weight on the chain.

    06:53 - In previous records you'd collect the Anchor, but here you have to sacrifice it in order to free 3 more balls, although you're only really gaining 2 more seeing as you have to make up for the Anchor. The extra 3 you get are, 2 from the block of Commons and 1 from the snapped off fuse line from the cage.
    Its easy to know where to stick the Anchor - there's three dark stripes on the wall, you want to aim for the middle one.

    07:03 - This is the first of 4 speed-clicked balls you need to make. Its not as difficult as previously thought to do it on Ivys - the trick is to let the ball move about as much as possible, so what I do is leave it hanging by one strand.
    This ball doesn't need any strength to it, so a weak one's fine.

    09:18 - The only interaction you can have with the Utils is knocking them when they're detached, so thats what you have to do to collect the first two.
    Line up the second to bottom ball with where the wall bends round into the pipe area, so that when you push the chain into the wall, the ball dies, freeing the bottom one for knocking.
    Like me, you'll probably have to turn up the brightness to be able to see the Utils over the black background gears.

    12:16 - Looking back at this, it would've been easier to just attach the ball at full stretch here so I didn't have to do the bit at 12:30. Anyway, you want the strand long so it pushes the Utils out of the pipe and the fuse ball goes right near the 'spikes'.

    13:20 - I connect up here to keep the pipe active once the fuse gets killed so the Utils get sucked in.

    13:27 - Here's where you kick the strand to kill the fuse. Make sure to keep the hitting ball within the suction radius or it'll just fall and die.
    You can afford to accidentally collect a few balls like I did before having to revert back in time (you dont want to trigger the continue bar).

    16:00 - Always use a Common as the connecting strand. A fuse isn't as strong so it would snap before pulling off the roof Common.

    16:48, 17:25 & 17:40 - Take note of the position where I speed-click each of these 3 balls, and also of how strong you need them to be (the distance they can be moved).

    17:57 - I connect a ball to this and the higher up speed-clicked ball so they cant walk on the structure while snapping the Common off.

    18:31 - This is where the Anchor comes into play. The ball freeing process comes in two stages: the first, where you attach to the Anchor and rip a ball off the structure; the second, snapping the ball off the Anchor.
    The first thing to do is release the roof Common; I didn't have the catching chain in place when I did this so had to manually catch the connecting strand ball. The catching chain is self explanatory; its primarily used to catch stray balls from the second stage.

    19:27 - Notice that the ball wouldn't reach the first time I brought it down - this happens when you dont get the screen view (camera) far enough to the left.

    19:56 - When pulling on the strand like this you dont want the Common to go too far round the corner or you might get the released strand ball trapped inside the wall.

    21:15 - Most of the time I place the Ivy on near the Anchor - if you place it lower down on the structure, the sudden jolt upwards can jam it into the wall. Sometimes I used the low speed-clicked ball to hold up the structure, in which case it doesn't matter where you place it.

    21:27 - I didn't want it to break off like this, but if it happens, just reconnect it and try again (or use a Timebug; I didn't want to waste any though).

    24:09 - Once you've separated the Fuses you can kick an Ivy line to the pipe and start collecting everything. Start first with the strong high up speed-clicked Ivy because its not a straight forward ball to put in. When its moved that far down it wont stay far enough away from the top of the screen for it not to move upwards, so you have to time the release of the ball as its pulled across the pipe.


    62 ball method:

    If you're up for attempting this record but dont want to bother with all that Common snapping stuff just for 2 measly balls, then you could try this easier 62 ball method:-

    I'll be referring to these mock images during the explanation.

    Start the level as usual, but dont bother saving the whole Fuse strand, just kill one like in the old record.
    Once the wall blast part is dealt with, go up and make the speed-clicked ball, then come back down and kick the Anchor into the pipe as part of a line with an Ivy. This line will now be used to collect the first 2 Utils - once they're in, pull the Ivy to collect the Anchor, and carry on with getting the other 2.
    When all 4 Utils are in, kick a line (preferably made up of an Ivy and Fuse to save on Ivys) into the left area and put all the Commons on it. Now swing the chain over and connect to the top of the block of 4 Commons (like in the old record), then swing it to the right and kill ONLY the bottom right ball on the gear so you're left with a triangle. Bring the speed-clicked Ivy down and attach it to that triangle; disconnect the chain from it and connect it up to the roof Common like in this record - but make sure this ball (1) is the one that gets attached to. Now go and make the lower speed-clicked Ivy and pull it off like normal. Now hang the structure like this (2) and attach an Ivy where shown; kill this ball (3) on the gears and catch the freed strand ball; then detach the Ivy to free what was the roof Common.
    You're now left with a Common line which has to be put in the pipe the correct way - if its not then the ball in the pipe wont go in when the lower one dies on the spikes. Knowing which one all starts at the beginning -{when starting the level, go down and take a look at the block of Commons - make sure the top right and bottom left balls are different sizes so you can tell them apart; its the top right one which goes in the pipe}.
    Now you need to position the line so the pipe ball is at the bottom of the chain. It may already be there, or you may have to turn it round. The two different outcomes occur during the roof Common removal - as the Ivy yanks down it can buckle the triangle and force the connecting ball (1) over to the other side. Its this buckling that causes the need to turn it.
    Getting it in the pipe requires a similar process to the Utils in this record, only its a lot easier here since you can kick the Common line over (4). Once its in, attach 2 Ivys to it like this (5), detach the chain, and collect every ball. The only thing left to do now is quickly detach and collect the 2 Ivys so the Common falls on the spikes and dies, letting the other one into the pipe.
    You'll notice that the new way to deal with the remaining Common strand is a hell of a lot better than the previous records way. It cuts out almost any risk of failure - as long as you're not too slow placing the Ivys in. Obviously, the reason it works is because you use the longer diagonal strand instead of the shorter top one.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Record Image
    You Have To Explode The Head 95 - Kopa
    0 - Kopa
    - ptr231
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    dwerdwer came up with the strat but couldnt quite get 95 - the most he managed was 94.
    Kopa posted 2 screenshots on 18 Apr: one that must've shown the end screen, and the other (youhave95str.jpg) I would assume showed the fuse-ivy line in the pipe.,1281.msg11783.html#msg11783

    LTumbleweed made the first video on 2 Oct 09.
    - comments from player

    Record Image

    Record Image
    Incineration Destination 16 - N/A 0 - GMD DemonGamer
    [Video] (Description)
    - Liyuan
    4 consecutive hours of grinding and many unlucky attempts. One of my hardest accomplishments in this game and my first 'moves' world record.

    Regarding the level, it was not an enjoyable experience. Trying to egnite the structure with the fuse was a tedious process, and to thwack a 2 stranded albino line is not an easy task. Pretty much everything after that is much easier, but very chokable.
    - comments from player

    Product Launcher N/A 1 - Marius
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    I use a new strat which involves throwing a burning Ivy through the wall onto the ZBombs.

    These records on this level now put me at sub 10:00 total time (, officially the first person to achieve it. Unofficially it was dahkjdas who got there first on 3 Sep - the issue is he lacks video proof for some of his times.
    - comments from player

    Chapter 4: Information Superhighway
    Hello, World 20 - Kopa
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    It took me too long to do it again to record it. :o
    - comments from player

    The original image of the line in the pipe was thought to be lost, but just by chance I happened to spot it in an old video preview of the WOGFan site - it can be seen at 0:51. Quite a stroke of luck!
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    The speedy movement of the Bit's causes the structure to rock slightly which gradually shifts it towards the wall. The time it takes can vary somewhat, but you're looking at roughly 10 or 11 hours.

    To keep the whistling going without having to hold the click down - minimize the game (Alt+Enter), start whistling and move the cursor out of the game window.
    The pause you see at 0:23 is when I maximized back.

    The music sounds odd and the whistle keeps playing because I'd left the game running on other accounts as well to give me multiple goes at it.
    - comments from player

    Bulletin Board System 16 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    2 - ptr231
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    A balls angle of rotation / spinning motion will be stored while its attached as a strand - so upon release it'll resume as it was. Also, a strand ball will always be released at the centre point between the two balls it was attached to.

    Getting the strand ball (1:57) back is all to do with its rotation. If it's attached at the angle shown, it means that when the other ball dies on the gear, that strand ball will reappear with one corner of it slightly inside the geometry. It's this that causes the ball to jump out away from the gear. Also, that angle is just right so it misses touching the gear itself. You'll notice that the ball gets thrown off high enough that it actually lands on the structure - this was just really lucky and totally unexpected. Normally you'd have to do a bit of juggling with all 3 balls until they were safe.
    - comments from player

    From email:

    I got this on 02/19/2016 13:51 UTC at first but didn't make a video. Then I got it again on 02/19/2016 16:10 UTC and made a video.
    - comments from player

    Record Image

    Record Image
    Grape Vine Virus 21 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    17 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    This record uses the double fling, detachable pilot and collision grab; see this video:

    For the trick at 2:11 I wait until the 2 balls are on the strand, then pull the ball up to detach it, release & re-grab, ending up with a line ready to drop. I'm able to re-grab cos it collides with the other ball.
    - comments from player

    This record uses the double fling trick; see this video:
    - comments from player

    Its hard to believe 24s is a thing, I never would've thought it just a few days ago, maybe 27 at best. But using this (0:21) new strat of flinging the last ball from below to kick the line out made it possible, along with another small refinement seen in this and 25s where I fling 2 balls straight up (0:17).

    On 6th Oct I set 5 WRs, the most I've ever had in a single day!
    - comments from player

    Although I have no interest in OCD times anymore, this was worth getting just for the level sweep [having all the levels records]. Its the 9th time I've had a sweep, the other levels being Fisty, ToG, Ode, Wheel, Incin, BBS, Server & MOM.
    - comments from player

    Graphic Processing Unit 22 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    9 - Daft as Brush
    [Video] (Description)
    - installb
    [Video] (Description)
    - installb
    [Video] (Description)
    This record uses the double fling, detachable pilot and collision grab; see this video:

    The reason I click the sign at 2:22 is cos reaching the goal (handle dropping) causes the Escape key to stop working to pause the game; clicking the sign corrects this.

    Getting the Pilots into the pipe requires the detaching trick (or else they'll attach). I re-grab the balls as they collide with the geometry (e.g. 4:02); they bounce off and arc around. This was the most reliable method I found; better than double flinging. The power you apply and position of cursor for grabbing are critical.
    - comments from player

    The (nearly) perfect run
    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:

    方法是 peter B 打的 10s 是一样的,我做了一点优化,主要在两点,一个是从两边都扔红球让支架尽快吸上管道,另一个是扔绿球尽可能直接扔到管道口(但是视频里这一步只成功了 5 个球,最后一个还是耽误了一点时间,还好还是成功 9s 了)。

    这关基本就是看运气,每一步都很看运气。然后我觉得这关 8s 是可行的。

    第一步运用了 collision fling/double fling 的技巧。当 bit、pilot 这类可 fling 的球与几何物体碰撞时,或者球在与几何物体接触(即使此时球在支架上也可行)的情况下被发射后,它短时间内可以再一次被选中并发射。

    From email:

    It was the same strategy as ptr231's 10s record but I tried to make some optimization. I threw pilots right then left in order to make the strand reach the pipe quicker. I also tried to control the direction I throw bits(throw up and weaken the force to some extent) to make them directly fly into the pipe instead of landing on the strand (although it is very hard and luck-based and the 6th ball in the video didn't succeed). This level is very luck-based. I think 8s is possible and 7s is impossible.

    I use a trick called 'double fling' where a flug ball can be regrabbed as it launches allowing for a 2nd fling in mid-air. The regrab only works when the ball is in contact with geometry.
    See this tutorial:
    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:

    这里运用了 collision fling/double fling 的技巧。当 bit、pilot 这类可 fling 的球与几何物体碰撞时,或者球在与几何物体接触(即使此时球在支架上也可行)的情况下被发射后,它短时间内可以再一次被选中并发射。
    - comments from player

    Road Blocks 28 - dwerdwer
    1 - Daft as Brush
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    The record was made between 22 and 28 Nov 2008.
    - The Sign Painter
    It took MANY tries to just get the method worked out.
    Then MANY more to actually do it!
    so... WooHoo!
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    Graceful Failure 12 - dwerdwer
    1 - Marius
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    From Baidu Tieba:

    12球 ,,,好吧,确实有点变态
    - comments from player

    The image is the only remnant of dwer's original Tieba video.
    I would've captured the vid on the same day I got his Drool 38 ball vid, but unfortunately it was too late to save as it was already dead. I took a screenshot anyway.'s%20dead%20tieba%20vid%20GF12b.png

    The strat he used can be seen in this vid by DaftasBrush.
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    The aim is to get the triangle shoved through the side wall right where the pipe is. Ideally you'd want to get the whole thing wedged in (like I think I do) for maximum collection speed. If only two corners go through then you'll most likely not get them as fast.
    - comments from player

    Alice, Bob and the 3rd Party 43 - N/A 1 - Pavke
    - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)

    Record Image
    New strat: jam the block in her mouth before covering the kill pits so the hex goo are bunched up ready for release. Here's old strat:
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    The Server Farm 30 - ptr231
    2 - ptr231
    - Liyuan
    [Video] (Description)
    - ptr231
    From email:

    The possibility of this record was first proposed by dahkjdas. He spent a lot of time on it. He once achieved the de facto fastest record for this level, only one frame more than 4s. But then he couldn't do better. Knowing this, I tried to break it last month. However, I achieved countless 5s, but never achieved 4s. We agreed that there was a huge barrier between the 4s and 5s, and that the 4s was extremely difficult. After that, I took some time off. Recently, after switching to a better mouse, I thought about the level again and tried to break it again. Fortunately, this time I succeeded.
    To achieve this record, the speed of both building and moving the ball must be close to the limit. So this is probably one of the most difficult time records to achieve.
    - comments from player

    MOM's Computer N/A 0 - ptr231
    - ptr231
    Deliverance N/A 1 - WEGFan
    [Video] (Description)
    - WEGFan
    [Video] (Description)

    Record Image
    The pills death is the end trigger, so he knocks it off to the side where there's deadly geometry.
    - The Sign Painter
    Epilogue: End of the World
    Infesty the Worm 36 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    2 - LTumbleWeed
    [Video] (Description)
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    [Video] (Description)
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.

    There's a trick used that lets you move a speed-clicked detachable ball (here a balloon) further than it would normally.
    There's two ways it can be done:
    The first and simplest way is to use the mouse wheel - just pick up the ball and spin away. The only problem though is that you can only move it vertically.
    The second way - the one I used here - is useful if you don't have a wheel (or want to move horizontally). Go into windowed mode (Alt+Enter), then get hold of the balloon and quickly move the mouse out of the game window, then quickly move the mouse back in and out of the window on the side you want it to go and the balloon will start moving as far as you want. Here's a vid showing it -
    You can tell I'm using this way because of the slight pauses you can see as I switch between windowed and fullscreen.

    I use the platform furthest away from the pipe because it has the thinnest geometry so the balls can be more easily hooked around it. Plus it's just the right height off the ground so the low balloon is strong enough to pull the balls down.
    - comments from player

    Not difficult, just need to be lucky and get a square.
    - comments from player

    Record Image

    Record Image

    Record Image
    Horizontal Transportation Innovation Committee 64 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Pavke
    - dengshouhao
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    [Video] (Description)
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.

    There's a trick used that lets you move a speed-clicked detachable ball (here a balloon) further than it would normally.
    There's two ways it can be done:
    The first and simplest way is to use the mouse wheel - just pick up the ball and spin away. The only problem though is that you can only move it vertically.
    The second way - the one I used here - is useful if you don't have a wheel (or want to move horizontally). Go into windowed mode (Alt+Enter), then get hold of the balloon and quickly move the mouse out of the game window, then quickly move the mouse back in and out of the window on the side you want it to go and the balloon will start moving as far as you want. Here's a vid showing it -
    You can tell I'm using this way because of the slight pauses you can see as I switch between windowed and fullscreen.
    - comments from player

    Record Image
    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    From Bilibili:

    - comments from player

    Weather Vane 108 - ptr231
    [Video] (Description)
    9 - ptr231
    - dahkjdas
    - Liyuan
    This takes advantage of a glitch in the game where if you click really fast on a detachable ball it'll cause it to get stuck at the spot it was clicked and always pull back towards there when moved. The more you click on it, the stronger it'll become, i.e., the less you'll be able to move it. This force comes in handy for ripping structures apart.

    There's a trick used that lets you move a speed-clicked detachable ball (here a balloon) further than it would normally.
    There's two ways it can be done:
    The first and simplest way is to use the mouse wheel - just pick up the ball and spin away. The only problem though is that you can only move it vertically.
    The second way - the one I used here - is useful if you don't have a wheel (or want to move horizontally). Go into windowed mode (Alt+Enter), then get hold of the balloon and quickly move the mouse out of the game window, then quickly move the mouse back in and out of the window on the side you want it to go and the balloon will start moving as far as you want. Here's a vid showing it -
    You can tell I'm using this way because of the slight pauses you can see as I switch between windowed and fullscreen.

    The extra 108th ball that I get is from a glitch that happens very rarely where the far left part of the structure doesn't stick down. It can take hundreds of retries to get it.

    I experienced some extreme framerate drops on two occasions during the recording. The first one happened during the part at 8:52 (real-time 23:00), so I had to stop and start Fraps again (which corrected it). Same thing for the second one at the end, only this time it wouldn't continue to run smoothly anymore. The problem must've been caused by either me not having the "Split movie every 4 Gigabytes" option checked, or because I was running low on disk space.
    - comments from player

    Observatory Observation Station N/A 0 - WEGFan
    [Video] (Description)
    - dengshouhao
    [Video] (Description)
    The GIF is taken from the video of the first time he got 0 moves. In it it took him 3 Fish throws to get, with a time of 9 seconds. He deleted that vid shortly after when he achieved 0 moves in 1 second.

    The way he performs the glitch is slightly different to the 0 seconds method. He drags the Fish down towards the island without letting go, then pauses and unpauses.
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    The glitch: drag a Fish really fast diagonally up and let go; it shoots back in the opposite direction and clips inside the islands geometry causing it to fly up. A similar thing occurs in the Burning Man time record.
    - The Sign Painter

    Record Image
    Highest Tower

    Version 1.5:

    Level Name Max Balls Least Moves Least Time (Goal) Least Time (OCD)
    Welcoming Unit 82 - N/A 0 - N/A N/A
    Super Fuse Challenge Time 18 - N/A 2 - N/A - Electrico
    Product Launcher N/A 0 - Ben_eXceL
    [Video] (Description)
    This is possible because you don't have to wake up the fuse structure and the Red Goos in newer versions of World of Goo. Played on PC v1.53 (the Epic Games Store version) on Sept. 15, 2020.
    - comments from player

    Update 2024/6/20: Added leaderboard. Added comment/notes and image. Split version 1.3 and 1.5.