World of Goo 2 Current World Records

World of Goo World Records

Player Leaderboards

This page only contains current world records of World of Goo Levels. The strategies of some records are based on previous records, if you want to discover the evolution of records of a level, you can visit the following 'History Records' page: All History Records
If you break a world record, please upload a video (video proof is necessary for a world record since 2014) and contact us in goofans discord , we will add your record to the site.
  • Youtube wogfan channel
  • previous wogfan site
  • Goofans site
  • Timezone for this website is UTC.
    Rules for World Records (since June 2024):
  • 1. You must record a video for a world record. If you didn't, then don't tell anyone that you broke the record before you redo it and successfully got a video.
  • 2. Any assisting tools (such as autoclicker) is not allowed in a world record.
  • Website Managers (contact if necessary):
  • installb
  • Liyuan
  • dengshouhao

  • Level Name Max Balls Least Moves Least Time
    Chapter 1: The Long Juicy Road
    A Goo Filled Hill 18 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/24 17:04
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - ds273
    2024/08/07 05:57
    [Video] (Description)
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/08/02 15:54
    [Video] (Description)
    Translation: An improvement based on 17 balls strategy. I was translating the note below the video from ds273 and didn't understand his description, so I carefully watched his video and thought 18 balls was possible. In fact, you don't really need a triangle, a 3-ball-chain is OK as well, although harder to kick to the pipe. At first I tried to break the chain in the water but failed, then I suddenly found it can be broken on the pipe, if you let it turn around. When I was opening champagne at half-time, I found only 17 balls left in the level, then I realized that balls may die when thrown away too far, so I had to retry for a few times then finally succeed.
    - comments from player

    Same deal as Familiar Divide - the goo structure can be wrenched away and kicked to the pipe. It's easier to get it airborne from the pool so I move it there first.
    - comments from player

    1st ever record on WoG 2 :)
    - comments from player

    A Familiar Divide 52 - ds273
    2024/08/22 23:21
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - ds273
    2024/08/07 05:31
    [Video] (Description)
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/07 07:49
    The much meaner record of the pair. This took me over 8 hours of attempts, in the form of long waits between successes in forming the triangle all then capped off with really silly failures to do basic things (like attaching a gooball while kicking the structure or missing one of the secret gooballs as they appear). Absolutely maddening.
    This is also much harder than AGFH 17 balls because the starting structure is so big that you can't use a triangle built from the structure to cut off a single loose strand still attached to it, requiring you to instead either destroy almost the entire thing on a second, smaller triangle... OR you can get really stupid lucky like in this attempt and have both of the two strands hanging off it destroy eachother simultaneously (this happened to me a few times in total attempting both this record and AGFH 17). Also, the fold strategy shown in AGFH 17 where the whole structure collapses down into 2 strands doesn't really work here cause the folded 3rd strand just never breaks for some reason.
    I don't really think this is **harder** than CCI 0 moves personally, but the grind felt far more tortuous.
    - comments from player

    Kind of difficult to unstick the square from the ground. Funny that this is even possible in this game.
    - comments from player

    Juicer 56 - Liyuan
    2024/08/04 12:30
    [Video] (Description)
    2 - installb
    2024/08/20 17:40
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/08/11 22:52

    Translation by google: It was Alefen who first discovered the method of breaking the supports. He used this method to remove most of the supports above and scored 51 points. I tried removing the supports under the pipes as well, and it worked, though it felt quite troublesome. It's worth mentioning that I discovered completely by accident that the support between the two balls stuck to the ground at the bottom can be removed. After several retries, I finally achieved this score, reaching the theoretical limit.
    - comments from player

    Jugglers 20 - N/A 1 - ds273
    2024/09/09 23:08
    [Video] (Description)
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/27 08:29
    [Video] (Description)
    The latest in Carpal Tunnel Simulator technology. What a doozy this one is.

    This is not TAS. I used a mouse to perform this feat in real time, hence why there are pauses in the gameplay as I give my hand moments to rest and get ready for the next frenzied attempt at thwacking the structure all the way to the top. Moving the mouse back and forth at around 7 Hz gets pretty exhausting and many attempts failed long before reaching the pipe simply because my hand screwed up the movement and started jiggling the mouse mostly in place. Over the last few days of serious attempts at grinding this level, I got 4 near-miss attempts before this record which reached the pipe: 1 on the first night (0 collected), 2 on the second night (0 collected for both), and 1 today (10 collected).

    Is 0 moves possible? Well, even with this level of insane power thwacking I couldn't even get the structure to hover off the ground at all. All it would do at most is do a tiny little hop off the ground and immediately touch back down as if I wasn't even trying to lift it.

    Oh and since you might have noticed: yes, I did switch to playing on a newer version just so I could disable drag panning for this record. The first near-miss attempt I did actually had drag panning enabled, but I determined that it was best for my success rate if I switched here since this level doesn't benefit from it at all. I'll probably go back to my day 1 copy again for other future records and full-game speedruns though.
    - comments from player

    ds273要是没说“people were in awe of my thwacking speed”这句话,我肯定不打这关,笑死(奇怪的好胜心)
    Translation: I wasn't going for this level if ds273 hadn't said "people were in awe of my thwacking speed" lol. I won't try 7s but it's possible.
    - comments from player

    Soggy Bottom 33 - Ray
    2024/09/13 08:39
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/03 05:49
    - ds273
    2024/08/30 07:19
    [Video] (Description)
    Announced at 08/03/2024 13:49 UTC+8:00 with picture
    - The Sign Painter
    Not sure how to feel standing here given where I stood a few weeks ago.
    - comments from player

    Exemplary Trajectories 50 - Ray
    2024/08/25 13:33
    [Video] (Description)
    4 - Ray
    2024/08/24 09:53
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/10 10:30
    其实打的时候没想到这个接球方式,本来想凹连弹的,无意间发现了新大陆。下面的 Common 都没拆,还有提升空间。

    Actually, I didn't think of this way of catching the ball when I was playing. It's by accident. The Commons below are not detached. Maybe 53 balls is possible.
    - comments from player

    Same method as the 1 move strat, but in different order due to slopes.
    - comments from player

    Launch Breaks 54 - Ray
    2024/09/01 12:29
    [Video] (Description)
    4 - installb
    2024/08/20 17:43
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/09/08 06:56
    Most exhausting level played so far. Two balls left to ensure timebugs. 56 balls is possible if you make a strand with launcher attached, although I think this is quite difficult.
    - comments from player

    Unsuck 52 - Ray
    2024/09/05 14:42
    3 - Ray
    2024/08/27 14:16
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/10 10:30
    Many people have struggled to archieve 2 or 3 moves for a whole night. I've also worked on this for more than an hour. You have to make a large space to open the pipe.
    - comments from player

    Chutes and Bladders 38 - Ray
    2024/09/05 15:49
    1 - Ray
    2024/08/23 13:22
    [Video] (Description)
    - Quantumilk
    2024/08/13 17:30
    完全复刻@IinstallbI 的方法,我只是来捡漏的。
    Imitating @installb, just nobody tried.
    - comments from player

    announced with a video
    - The Sign Painter
    Chain Head 58 - worldofgooballs
    2024/08/05 20:32
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/24 06:58
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/09 03:55
    Max goo. Using the ivy detaching strat.
    - comments from player

    Translation: I tried to break the chain last night, first with 3 moves strategy, then 1 move, finally I realized that 0 moves is possible: use the shortest strand to cut the near strand (clockwise). I didn't mean to break the line for the second time, here is pure luck and the strand twisted. I was really lucky to have accurate 25 balls to complete the level, wth the 25th ball flying back to the pipe.
    - comments from player

    Squiddy's Bog 70 - worldofgooballs
    2024/08/29 20:22
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/03 06:53
    [Video] (Description)
    - ds273
    2024/08/31 07:14
    [Video] (Description)
    This record shows my respect to Goomatz's feat in Fisty—collecting all the balls in the frog. I still vividly remember the early days of the widespread use of the fast-clicking bug, the collection of the 1,500th ball, and the arms race between Goomatz and PeterB. I also enjoyed the fast-clicking bug personally. Ten years ago, when I was updating my own ball record, I followed in the footsteps of these two masters and managed to achieve most of the balls collect records that could be obtained using balloons. However, even to this day, I haven't managed to reach Fisty's 26 balls. With the release of the sequel in 2024, balloons have lost their vitality, but fortunately, this bug reappeared in another form—allowing me to achieve 70 balls. With the new strat I could get the max balls in this level finally and I think it somewhat makes up for the regret I had with the WoG1.
    - comments from player


    Translate: It's actually not hard at all.
    - comments from player

    Announced at 08/03/2024 14:53 UTC+8:00 with picture
    - The Sign Painter
    Improvement of 2 seconds over the previous record by dengshouhao ( The main annoyances for me in grinding this level are that the balloons get in the way, and when you go to reset after messing up the thwacking it's really easy to accidentally click the sign... and then you have to spam click through all the text that you've already read several times now... and it never lets you skip because it only lets you do that if you've already read it previously on the **current** attempt at the level.

    As far as the run itself, I just copied what the previous record did. Typical thwacking-centric level where I can just grind until I get the one where I don't accidentally miss and pan the camera or something.
    - comments from player

    Pachinkgoo Infinite
    1 - Ray
    2024/09/10 14:37
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    2024/08/17 14:39
    [Video] (Description)
    You can collect maximum goo balls in this level, so this record is mine.
    - The Sign Painter
    特别感谢 @无色之绿233 的发现:这关的地形正好只构建到视野边界(需要按住 D 键防止视野回弹),所以在边界处可以抓住球,运到下方。

    Special thanks to @无色之绿 for his finding that terrains in this level happen to be placed right on the boundary of the view (you need to hold D key to keep the camera), so you can grab balls and move them below.
    - comments from player

    Set on 17th August 2024, exact time is unknown
    How nobody found out you can do this? It was in the plain sight for more than 2 f&%$ing weeks! How, just how?
    Translation: 2024年8月17号打的,具体时间不知道。为什么没人发现可以这样?两周了,明明这个拦截办法非常显而易见,怎么就没人发现呢?
    - comments from player

    Sloppy Walker Infinite
    0 - ds273
    2024/08/09 23:20
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    2024/08/30 14:22
    [Video] (Description)
    Found by 无色之绿, see video
    for details.
    - The Sign Painter
    Really it's more of a slow crawl than a walk. Pretty simple stuff this time compared to the nightmare of CCI 0 moves, but the initial section is still a bit tedious. Keeping the juice bag leaned forwards (to the right) is important when trying to get it up the hill. Skip to 4 minutes if you get bored of that section.
    - comments from player

    Just hopped on WoG2 before sleep for fun, made some attempts on Sloppy Walker, got 29 seconds without video and it took me just 2 minutes to redo with video. It felt like a dream, but in reality. Literally perfect scenario.
    And, of course, I tried to break the former WR on Sloppy Walker before, but I always ended up tiing it.
    - comments from player

    Ode to the Conduit Connector 139 - Ray
    2024/09/12 13:07
    1 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/21 03:59
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/10 10:30

    Translate: Thanks installb for breaking strands in 1 move. Thanks dahkjdas for waking up conduit balls by kicking water.
    - comments from player

    Angler N/A 0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/09 14:37
    [Video] (Description)
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/07 17:10
    Translation: You need a steady method to cut the strand: little range swinging, middle force kicking the angle, and make the top of the angle into the strand
    then you rely on luck, if you can kick the angle up, there is hope for 0 moves (but kicking for sometime and still fail is also possible)
    - comments from player

    Chapter 2: A Distant Signal
    Jelly School Infinite
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/07 08:13
    [Video] (Description)
    - SanAndreasCity
    2024/08/15 15:40
    You can kill the product goo, and it will generate more water than it cost to generate a goo with a launcher, so you can get infinite.
    found by Alefen
    - The Sign Painter

    Translation by google: A method that looks harder than it is: smash the left half of the jelly directly to the bottom.
    - comments from player

    Jelly's Jiggly Journey Infinite
    11 - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/08/26 06:23
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/09/02 17:14
    [Video] (Description)
    You can kill the product goo, and it will generate more water than it cost to generate a goo with a launcher, so you can get infinite.
    found by 无色之绿
    - comments from player
    - The Sign Painter
    the rivalry continues
    - comments from player

    Growing Up 19 - NaHCO3LJZ
    2024/08/25 12:26
    1 - 斯丟皮
    2024/09/01 14:12
    - Blazer88
    2024/09/03 12:13
    Announced with a video in discord
    - The Sign Painter
    Transmission Lines 42 - dahkjdas
    2024/08/04 11:29
    [Video] (Description)
    3 - 斯丟皮
    2024/08/16 14:29
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/11 13:10
    Announced at 08/04/2024 19:29 UTC+8:00 with picture
    - The Sign Painter
    Translation: Someone will achieve 2 moves.
    - comments from player

    Extraction Team 44 - EllipticalQuasar
    2024/08/07 10:18
    0 - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/08/06 02:23
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/10 03:41
    Impale Shrinky Infinite
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/04 06:32
    - Blazer88
    2024/08/31 07:22
    [Video] (Description)
    You can get infinite balls with a bug which makes you get infinite water discovered by 斯丟皮.
    See video:
    - The Sign Painter
    Announced at 08/04/2024 14:32 UTC+8:00 with picture
    He got it while livestreaming the game
    - The Sign Painter
    Set on 31st August 2024, exact time is unknown
    You can do 22 seconds with it. At first I wanted to say that I will eat my computer if some random asian finishes this level in 22 seconds, but after this run I say 22 seconds on this level are indeed possible and I won't eat my computer or reckonator if someone actually will do it.
    - comments from player

    Bridge to Grow Where Infinite
    0 - Ray
    2024/08/06 09:40
    - Life-Water-Rainbow
    2024/08/12 16:36
    You can collect maximum goo balls in this level, so this record is mine.
    - The Sign Painter
    Jelly Sacrifice Machine 36 - Ray
    2024/08/26 16:28
    [Video] (Description)
    8 - 斯丟皮
    2024/08/19 16:12
    - dahkjdas
    感谢 @NaHCO3LJZ 提供的 32 球方法,在这个基础上拼死拼活多收了几波液体,但存在明显失误,有一个 Grow 没有收。过程过于痛苦,不想再凹了。上限未知。
    Thanks to @NaHCO3LJZ for the 32-ball method. Although I collected more liquid, there was obviously a mistake. The process was painful and I decided to leave the rest to you. The upper limit is unknown.
    - comments from player

    Glory Barge 53 - TC Shao
    2024/08/08 14:26
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - Blazer88
    2024/08/22 02:38
    [Video] (Description)
    - installb
    2024/08/31 08:19
    [Video] (Description)
    终于成功了!把所有能拆的支架全拆了,应该是理论最优了罢()在此感谢@Liyuan 大佬在Juicer世界纪录中提供的关于拆黏住的框架的方法,使鄙人最终实现了49=>53的跨越。

    Translation: It finally worked! It should be the best theory to remove all the supports that can be removed () Here, I would like to thank @Liyuan for providing the method of removing the glued frame in Juicer World Records, so that I finally achieved the leap of 49=>53.
    - comments from player

    Holy shit.
    This record is a fucking mental torment. I don't know why excactly it was like that: because I wanted to keep my "at least 1 WR per day" streak (4 days when I started serious attempts) and I was about to actualy break it or because it was actually exhausting. To be honest, it was a torture worse than Tumbler 37 balls record.
    I was playing this level for 4 hours on 21st August, 2 hours in the morning of 22nd August and pulled it off without recording, and after a 2 hour break I got the record in 9 minutes of attempts. I think I did it so fast after a break because I did not have an immense mental pressure of keeping my streak and because I was refreshed.
    Yeah, I broke my 4 day streak, but at least I did something barely anybody in the world can do. And I'm happy.
    - comments from player


    Translate: The boat given by the level is too slow, so I created an ivy boat that can fly in the sky.
    You have to do three far ivy whacking without making mistake, this really tests player's skill.
    - comments from player

    Blowfish 50 - installb
    2024/09/11 06:28
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - N/A - ds273
    2024/08/21 09:02
    [Video] (Description)
    最早 Alefen 拆下面的两个支架获得了两个球,打了 40 球。
    我后面尝试拆了上面的结构,成功拆下来 1 球,打出 41 球。
    之后我发现下面的支架不是粘死的,于是拆完了其中一个,打出 44 球。
    这时候理论上界也很明确了:初始 38,下面的两个支架全拆完 4+4,上面的由于气球不可拆卸,只能把不和气球连着的拆下来,也是 4 个,那理论最多 38+4+4+4=50。



    拆支架是最难的,直到后来我打的时候发现了一个和时间虫有关的 bug,也许是特性。点时间虫并不会保留支架的形状,它会把支架全变成直的。所以,我们可以让支架穿墙,然后两边粘在地上:这样支架是弯折的。点完时间虫后,支架变直就卡进了地里。然后支架就有概率自己断掉,即使不断也会很容易弄断。

    借助这个发现,断掉下面的 8 个球,对于上面的 支架,只要先借助下面的支架断掉一些,断到不保留任何一个三角结构(也就是变成一个 树/tree 的结构)就可以了。


    Alefen got 1+1 balls from breaking strands below and got 38+2=40 balls.
    Then I tried to break the upper structure and got 1 from it, getting 41 balls.
    Then I accidentally found the ground is not fully-sticky. So I lifted one of the strands below and got all 4 from it, getting 38+4+1+1=44 balls.
    Then I know the theoretical limit: balls connected with ballon can't be detached, so it is 38+4+4+4=50.

    Then three problems are left:
    1. How to break strands.
    2. How to leave a squid to spam timebugs.
    3. How to deal with product goos.

    I first solved problem 2 by getting a squid-conduit strand and make it the last strand to be broken.
    Problem 3 is actually easy, you can just let them fall into water and recollect them after breaking all strands.

    Problem 1 is hardest. Until I found a feature associated with timebugs. Clicking a time bug doesn't restore the SHAPE of a strand, and make them straight inside. So we can make a bent strand by sticking two goos on up/right side of ground, then after clicking timebug, the strand will pass through wall. Then the strand may break itself, or be easily broken with outside help.

    Then the lower structures can be broken more easily. For the upper structure, break it with the help of structure below until no triangle is left (which means it is a 'tree' structure) and then you can break it down without outside help.

    The last step (whacking) is very hard actually. The forcefield is annoying.
    - comments from player

    This beats the previous record by Electrico by 2s (see it here: The big differences that helped me improve are that I used way more of the Conduit gooballs to get the blimp moving (which makes thwacking easier and also means a faster rate of gooball collection at the end), and used WASD to pan the camera right to avoid running off the right edge of the screen. Doing these things together made 6s fairly doable for me with practice, but bringing it to 5s required near-flawless execution. (For context, I struggled to even just get 9 seconds without those tricks)
    - comments from player

    Swamp Hopper 19 - 无色之绿
    2024/08/29 16:12
    [Video] (Description)
    1 - N/A - dahkjdas
    2024/08/11 13:32
    I got all.
    - comments from player

    Launch Pad Infinite
    0 - Blazer88
    2024/08/03 11:50
    - dahkjdas
    You can collect maximum goo balls in this level, so this record is mine.
    - The Sign Painter
    Announced at 08/03/2024 21:50 UTC+10:00 with picture in discord
    - The Sign Painter
    Super Tower of Goo 71 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/21 07:15
    [Video] (Description)
    1 - installb
    2024/08/20 16:35
    [Video] (Description)
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/10 04:49

    Thanks installb for discovering 1 move strategy.
    The left-up ball can also be detached with luck.
    Only 2 on pipe and 2 on ground were left, there can't be more balls collected.
    I was nervous when sending all balls to pipe, but now I finally have my own max ball WR.

    If anyone get more balls, I will eat reckonator together with Life-Water-Rainbow.
    - comments from player

    突发奇想能不能 1 步断出来一个东西,结果居然随便乱搞给我试出来一种方法。断支架很看运气,最多球数也是这么打的,但我不想刷了。

    Translate: Suddenly came up the idea of getting a line with 1 move and succeeded after doing some random operations. Breaking strands really depends on luck.
    You can do following with this method:
    Juicer 2 moves, Launch Breaks 4 moves, Block Hoppers 1 move (very very hard for kicking green balls), Ode to the Conduit Connector 1 move (I've already sent the line to pipe but can't wake up balls on right side).
    I'm not sure whether it is possible:
    The Ground Shakes 1 move, Exemplary Trajectories 4 moves.
    - comments from player

    Dish Connected N/A 0 - Ray
    2024/08/24 17:09
    [Video] (Description)
    - Ray
    2024/08/31 18:10
    [Video] (Description)
    由衷感谢 @IinstallbI 和 @斯丟皮 老师穿墙的方法,赞叹广大玩家的智慧。
    Sincerely thank @installb and @斯丢皮 for their method to squash the Conduit balls through the wall. This is an exciting breakthrough.
    - comments from player

    我不理解,我用速度拼死拼活进了 1:29,运气好的人慢慢悠悠就能 1:31。
    I don't understand why I only got 1:29 with rather fast building while others get 1:31 with slow building and pure luck.
    - comments from player

    Chapter 3: Atomic Express
    Chug 63 - DarriNes
    2024/08/11 15:43
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - DarriNes
    2024/08/06 18:47
    - DarriNes
    2024/08/11 16:23
    [Video] (Description)
    I think 65 balls is theoretical max here (also thanks to ds273 for new strat)
    - comments from player

    Chaotic movements but I still got it
    - comments from player

    Hot Slinky 24 - N/A 0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/06 10:47
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/06 10:49
    Molten Meltdown 83 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/06 02:27
    0 - installb
    2024/08/15 07:38
    [Video] (Description)
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/09/07 21:44
    [Video] (Description)
    折磨了我一个多星期的东西,9 号打出两次 5/6 球。后面游戏可以禁用拖拽屏幕后每天又都尝试了一些时间,终于今天成功了。
    断支架非常看运气,而且支架断掉的时候需要有一个往右上的初始速度,这个在一代笛子 38 球我已经尝试过无数次。
    有少数几次飞过头,很多次差一点到达甚至吸上管道,两次 5/6 球。

    Translate: First got 0 Moves 5/6 Balls on 8/9. Later when screen dragging can be disabled, I tried ~30 minutes every day and finally succeeded.
    Breaking the strand requires luck. You need a velocity towards right and up when the strand breaks, like whistler in wog1.
    The structure may fly too far, too close, or get to the pipe but balls don't get in. I got 5/6 balls twice.
    This is also fastest way for speedrunning this level. But if you want to try, GOOD LUCK.
    - comments from player

    i'm tired
    - comments from player

    Rock Blockers 58 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/28 13:24
    [Video] (Description)
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/20 16:25
    [Video] (Description)
    - ds273
    2024/09/10 05:19
    [Video] (Description)
    Translation: Same strategy with 57 balls, except for retrying for a few times to get a big common ball on the beginning strand. Then you are able to collect the 58th ball at the pipe when kicking the lava to kill the other one. I decided to give up if this try failed, but I succeeded. Retrying at the beginning of the video is to have a big ball on top-left.
    - comments from player


    Translate: Thanks ray for inventing the strategy of killing strand with lava.
    - comments from player

    I've had 5 seconds since the very end of august, but was so confident that I'd get immediately sniped if I posted it that I held back from uploading until I could get 4 seconds. This time I feel is pretty solid. 3s might be possible, but at this point I don't feel I can keep hiding my record here.

    This record took the most grinding out of any record I've done in this game so far. It's not even close.

    Individual Level Records: Leaderboards:
    - comments from player

    Block Hoppers Infinite
    0 - Blazer88
    2024/08/30 09:03
    [Video] (Description)
    - gooey goo
    2024/08/08 22:00
    You can collect maximum goo balls in this level, so this record is mine.
    - The Sign Painter
    New hardest record I've ever set. Everything is hard here: green goo kicking and the line detachment process. Especially the line detachment. In strategy I used I kill 2 lowermost common goos one by one, while kicking the rest of the rectangle to the right. Turns out, only the top of metal structure is perma-sticky, other parts are not, but it's hard to detach the structure from these surfaces.
    The 2nd part, where you kick gooballs, has a twist too: if too much green goos spawn, game straight up crashes. I showed this in the end of the video, where I inserted the clip of my game crashing for the 1st time just for fun. Nothing else had benn edited here. So, you need to be quite fast here. That's all I have to say about this one.
    - comments from player

    Night Factory 97 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/07 08:54
    1 - RainbowStays
    2024/08/07 01:07
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/09/02 08:09
    [Video] (Description)
    no way no way no way no way no way no way. I go to sleep now. good night
    - comments from player

    River of Fire 43 - Quantumilk
    2024/09/13 17:02
    0 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/03 15:30
    - ds273
    2024/08/08 00:09
    [Video] (Description)
    Announced at 08/03/2024 23:30 UTC+8:00 with picture
    - The Sign Painter
    Another strand fold strategy here. Placing a single gooball on top helps immensely with getting a fold to form and snap, since trying to use the existing corner structures requires getting it a lot further off-balance and tends to take a while anyway.
    - comments from player

    Mutable Crucible 68 - dahkjdas
    1 - RainbowStays
    2024/08/09 07:28
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/08 10:25
    [Video] (Description)
    Translation: This one looks simple but hard actually, and you need luck
    - comments from player

    Garbage Dump Double Pump Infinite
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/25 08:42
    [Video] (Description)
    - ds273
    2024/09/01 11:16
    [Video] (Description)
    You can kill the common goo, and it will generate more liquid than it cost to generate a common goo with a launcher, so you can get infinite.
    This one is found by printz
    - The Sign Painter
    今天上午@Intention9 告诉大家,垃圾场右上角地面没有粘性,可以砸起来,所以结合弹火理论可以0步
    所以我学习了一下@斯丟皮 的弹火方法,再自己捣鼓出了扭断右上支架,获得独立方框支架的办法,就成了
    Translation: @Intention9 told us this morning that top-right structure is possible to kick up, therefore with throwing the burning fuse you can get 0 moves. Then I learnt the throwing fire strategy from @斯丢皮, and found the method to twist and break the structure at top-right.
    - comments from player

    No shot I keep this record for long, my skill set is not suited to defending this record. But at least I'll be recorded as having had a record here :)
    - comments from player

    Coolant Circulator Infiltrator Infinite
    0 - ds273
    2024/08/08 05:08
    [Video] (Description)
    - Quantumilk
    2024/08/29 11:52
    You can collect maximum goo balls in this level, so this record is mine.
    - The Sign Painter
    -2 moves from the previous record by GMD DemonGamer, bringing this record to the minimum possible. Oh my god was the critical step of removing the Ivy frustrating.

    The two key ideas in this improvement are that A. the boat thing can be shaved down to a square or triangle by hitting it into one of the ceiling cogs, and B. that the Ivy ball is flammable. So, by carefully bouncing some burning jelly into the Ivy, the boat can be severed from the ceiling so that idea A can be utilized to make something that can be kicked to the pipe.

    Most of the time the burning Jelly wants nothing to do with your shenanigans and fails to reach the Ivy because it's too heavy. Trying to snipe the ivy with a burning fuse ball is even less reliable because it has to actually walk directly over the Ivy rather than just on its strands, and 99% of the time it walks in the opposite direction before dying. I spent a couple hours trying to improve my already difficult 1 move solve to 0 moves with almost all of the time spent just trying to ignite the Ivy ball. In that time, I got 3 real attempts, of which one accidentally clicked on the shooter before I could kill it, another stupidly attached a fuse ball to one of the upper structures while trying to send some down to the bottom, and the final one produced this run.
    - comments from player

    Announced with an unpublished video
    - The Sign Painter
    The Ground Shakes 51 - dahkjdas
    2024/08/08 14:55
    1 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/23 15:30
    [Video] (Description)
    - Ray
    2024/09/07 13:32
    [Video] (Description)
    Translation: This is horizontal thwacking for a very very long distance, you need great skill here. Kicking the structure heavily for 2 or 3 times and praying is not useful. I find myself quite good at making 2 ball strand today. I succeed in whacking after having the line strand for about 15 times. My brain actually stopped working in my final drags and kicks, only experiences helped me. This strategy is feasible for time records as well, waiting for others to try this. Finally, 0 moves is possible, also waiting for others.
    - comments from player


    15s is possible, especially when you enable screen draing, but my hands get tired.
    - comments from player

    Hot Slinky Returns: Slinkin' Ain't Easy 42 - worldofgooballs
    2024/08/07 12:35
    0 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/05 07:31
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/06 10:46
    Incendiary Locomotion 80 - N/A 0 - 斯丟皮
    2024/08/06 14:42
    - Quantumilk
    2024/08/31 09:15
    Announced with a video file.
    - The Sign Painter
    Chapter 4: Ye Olde Reckonator
    Tee Time 2 - N/A 1 - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/08/05 04:38
    - ds273
    2024/09/08 05:42
    [Video] (Description)
    I've been trying to claim the Stumbler 0 seconds record for some time, but today GMD DemonGamer beat me to it. So instead, I had to settle for an allegedly impossible record. This attempt already just barely squeaks under 2 seconds, so I do not consider further improvements to be even theoretically possible.

    This run uses the double-fling glitch to make the goolf ball move way faster than normal, and also to redirect the ball down into the hole since any sufficiently fast initial launch won't be able to go in on time otherwise.
    - comments from player

    Paper Trail 6 - N/A 5 - N/A - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/08/06 21:56
    Disaster Team 15 - N/A 6 - Ray
    2024/08/27 17:42
    [Video] (Description)
    - Ray
    2024/08/28 17:51
    [Video] (Description)
    都说这关 6 步耗阳寿,我想着练练 double fling 随便玩玩,结果一小时给出了。
    This is totally a matter of luck. I was just going to practice double fling, but ended up with a success in about an hour.
    - comments from player

    Homage to Life-Water-Rainbow: I will eat my computer if anyone does faster.
    - comments from player

    Fairway Inferno 30 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/03 07:00
    4 - 斯丟皮
    2024/08/10 15:25
    - NaHCO3LJZ
    2024/09/11 00:25
    [Video] (Description)
    Announced at about 08/03/2024 15:00 UTC+8:00
    - The Sign Painter
    - comments from player

    Here Come the Windmills 6 - N/A 0 - Ray
    2024/08/15 06:31
    [Video] (Description)
    - Ray
    2024/08/29 04:53
    [Video] (Description)
    游戏的物理组似乎有 bug,开场右移一段距离可以取消底下两个 Common 与地面的粘性。这样连弹的难度低了很多。
    Translation: There seems to be a glitch in the physics group. By moving right in a short distance, the adhension of the bottom two Commons to the ground can be eliminated. This makes whacking much easier.
    - comments from player

    《Double Fling 从入门到入土》
    后半段可 Double Fling 跳过等待风车旋转的时间,但我做不到。
    Translation: Double Fling from beginning to death. You can skip windmill spinning time by Double Fling again, but I couldn't.
    - comments from player

    Gravity Bridge 30 - Ray
    2024/09/11 05:46
    0 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/07 13:21
    [Video] (Description)
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/30 09:46
    [Video] (Description)

    Translation by google: This also requires technical skills. You need to carefully control the gravity block and then decisively launch it.
    - comments from player

    Translation: I learnt from @ds273 again, build a line and break the strand. I found his 4s is actually 4.5s, then I tried myself and got 4.3s in only 5 attempts, so I believe 3s is definitely possible. However, it's much harder than I thought. As if all the hardship in my WOG career reappeared here, like collect 4 or 5 balls, or the strand was too fast for balls to get into the pipe. But I know my detail is much better than ds273, so I shall succeed in 3s if I pass the level--then I got 4.0s, which annoys me. I failed for 2h last night and 3h this afternoon, but finally succeed in 3 minutes after I took a break. This one as actually 3s+59frames, not the fastest one I've got, but that's enough. I finally know how to use OBS and have this only WR video in 60 fps.
    - comments from player

    Jelly Side Up 88 - NaHCO3LJZ
    2024/09/07 02:50
    [Video] (Description)
    2 - 无色之绿
    2024/08/04 06:03
    [Video] (Description)
    - Ray
    2024/08/29 14:31
    [Video] (Description)
    应该是极限了,除非被证明无限,Jelly Side Up真的是太怪了,堪称WoG2未解之谜
    Unless proven infinite, this should be the maximum number of balls. Jelly Side Up is so weird, it can be called the unsolved mystery of WoG2
    - comments from player


    translate: Sleeping strand can't hold liquid--which is key to 'stealing' liquid from surrounded jelly. But liquid may also wake up strand, so it test player's precise control over gravity.
    - comments from player

    Announced at 08/04/2024 14:03 UTC+8:00 with picture
    - The Sign Painter
    34s is obviously not the limit, but quite close to my limit.
    - comments from player

    Stumbler 40 - N/A 0 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/06 06:01
    - GMD DemonGamer
    2024/09/07 18:36
    [Video] (Description)
    first 0 seconds record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    never thought it would be possible!!!!!!!
    - comments from player

    Gravitation Navigation Station 31 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/15 15:12
    0 - intention9
    2024/08/05 12:45
    - installb
    2024/08/31 05:43
    [Video] (Description)
    和 10s 一样的方法,要让支架尽快往上掉,激进一点可以 6s 说不定可以 5s。

    Translate: Same strat as 10s. Make strand fall up quickly. If playing wildly 6s or even 5s is possible.
    - comments from player

    Turn 'n' Burn 58 - Quantumilk
    2024/08/15 14:12
    0 - intention9
    2024/08/05 12:48
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/11 14:40
    A Smoke Filled Room 8 - N/A N/A N/A
    A Sip at the Sour Note 10 - N/A N/A N/A
    Murder on the Midnight Steamliner 14 - N/A N/A N/A
    Dark Night at El Sol 6 - N/A N/A N/A
    Sunshine N/A N/A N/A
    Chapter 5: A New World
    Upward Trajectories Infinite
    2 - installb
    2024/08/11 10:10
    [Video] (Description)
    - installb
    2024/08/14 08:00
    [Video] (Description)
    You can collect maximum goo balls in this level, so this record is mine.
    - The Sign Painter
    相比我自己之前打的三步(的优化:第一个 ivy(绿球)可以不拆掉,而是硬断支架省下来一步,但是多一个球的支架会难操作很多,所以我后面把它杀掉了,之后操作就和 3 步一样了。操作不是很难,我觉得这个比输电线 15 步简单。

    Translate: You can save one move by breaking the strand instead of detaching the ivy, compared to my 3 moves record ( I killed the goo later because kicking the strand with one more ball is harder.

    This record didn't make use of the bug of rotating launchers, though the bug is activated during the run. (yeah it only does NEGATIVE effects I hate it)
    - comments from player

    这关有点像一代的热气球 OCD,但是难很多很多。
    另一个就是等待发射器收集液体的时候把章鱼支架运到管道,先把右边的球收集了,80 球的数量实在是太大了,一点时间也不能浪费,能运进管道一个是一个。

    Translate: This is like OCD Time record in Infesty the Worm in wog1, but much harder.
    Optimization1: build an ivy to L2Blauncher structure to make kicking it easier.
    Optimization2: send one L2L structure to pipe to collect some balls in advance. 80 balls is just way too many.
    - comments from player

    Hot Springs Infinite
    0 - 斯丟皮
    2024/08/07 08:44
    - dahkjdas
    2024/08/13 04:55
    You can kill the product goo by burning goo liquid, and it will generate more liquid than it cost to generate a product goo with a launcher, so you can get infinite.
    This one is found by Quantumilk
    - The Sign Painter
    Molten Showers 54 - 无色之绿
    2024/08/25 14:34
    [Video] (Description)
    4 - dengshouhao
    2024/08/16 06:53
    [Video] (Description)
    - dengshouhao
    2024/08/22 08:54
    [Video] (Description)
    Translation: improved my strategy and saved an albino, then 1 more than my last record (53).
    - comments from player

    Translation: succeed on my first try after my cursor no longer falls behind my mouse
    - comments from player

    Translation: I thought 19s is limit after I got 20s. I now believe 18s is limit after I got 19s. Better strategy may exist though.
    - comments from player

    Destination Landing Station N/A 1 - Blazer88
    2024/08/19 09:23
    [Video] (Description)
    - Blazer88
    2024/08/20 04:31
    [Video] (Description)
    That really should be illegal
    - comments from player

    This is easily the hardest WoG2 record I've ever set. Yes, this is harder than DLS 1 move. The main difficulty of this record is preventing the rocket from exploding. If you throw a fish on rocket with any force while rocket is moving too fast in the direction you threw the fish in - you're screwed. And doing this is very easy. You don't know exact critical velocity of the rocket.
    - comments from player
